Thursday, February 19, 2015

Teachers are Contradictions

Similar to latest Starburst commercials, Teachers are contradictions. Teachers are a shoulder to cry on and distributor of tough love. Teachers always provide fair treatment in the classroom, but pick out those who need a little extra, and provide it faithfully. Teachers work tirelessly and rarely think of anything but how to reach their students, however many in communities across the country believe teachers are lazy and are payed appropriately for only nine months of work. Teachers want all of our students to pass, but realize that not all of them will. Teachers have to be fun and engaging, but also tough and in control.

To be a teacher in todays public school setting has taught me a lot about the profession. My mom was a teacher, but I didn't realize how much work went into the profession on a daily basis. I've had a variety of jobs, but I can honestly say being a teacher has been the toughest and also the most rewarding. The only thing I would change about the profession is how the public views it.

Last week my own Grandpa told me "well you know, if you think about it, teachers get paid pretty well for only working 6-7 months of the year." I didn't really know what to say. I told him I work 9 months at over 60 hours a week. He didn't believe me when I told him. Later my aunt made a comment that my cousin was failing because the teacher didn't like her. Again I was left speechless. How could people actually believe that teachers don't work as many hours yearly as any full time employee? How could they believe that a teacher wants to make a child's life miserable?

To be a teacher is to do the impossible daily, and receive little reward. Our reward is knowing in our hearts that we change lives, even if others don't realize it.

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