Thursday, February 26, 2015

Even in Three Years, Technology has changed how I teach

While I realize I haven't taught long, I have seen many changes in the possibilities I can do within my classroom; because of advancements in technology. When I was in school I never would have believed that the future of schools would include each student having their own device provided to them through the school. Additionally I never thought I'd see a day where student would be allowed to use cell phones as a resource for a research paper. Technology has allowed me to differentiate in a way I never thought possible.

One of the best ways technology has advanced my teaching capabilities is by allowing me to give instant feedback. We play a "game" in class for review called Kahoot that the students absolutely love! Using Kahoot, students can compete with each other while being provided with feedback instantly as well as explanations if necessary. Kahoot and other resources like it, such as Socrative or Nearpod, assist students but they also let teachers know if the students "just aren't getting." Using technology, the way the world thinks of tests and quizzes is being forever changed.

I love that technology gives me the versatility to show my students things I couldn't by using textbook or film. Technology allows my students  to be in control of their own learning as well as their own research. Technology ultimately allows students to take charge of their own learning and create things; the exact skills necessary for life beyond high school.  I believe technology is going to forever be changing education, so long as we take every opportunity possible to keep up with the changes.

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