Sunday, March 1, 2015

Top 10...or 14, take aways (F1)

1. Dropbox- I use my Dropbox daily!! I love being able to log into an account, manipulate a document and save it to print the next day at school.
2) Backchannel- I really like using the backchannel with my students so they can answer questions for each other while working on an assignment. It also works well for me to see which of my students are on task.
3) Google+ and Google Drive- What is there to say, Google has so many wonderful resources that I didn't realized existed. Google Drive is so wonderful and is something I plan to utilize in the future for my students to work on assignments collaboratively. I wish our school had its own domain to open up safer possibilities for our students.
4) Screencasting- I haven't gotten the chance to screencast an assignment but I can see the benefit for days when I know I will be gone. It would be a wonderful way to plan for a sub and not miss a day. So often when planning for a sub, the day feels almost lost. With screencasting, those days can be limited.
5) Twitter- I love the resources I've already received from twitter and I look forward to utilizing all it has to offer in the future.
6) Symbaloo- So convenient for teachers!
7) TinyURL- I have already used this with some of my web quest assignments. I know it is difficult to be sure a URL is followed to the letter, and with TinyURL students have an easier time managing their assignments without the difficulty of typing in long web addresses.
8) QR readers. - I think I can come up with a cool assignment for students within my room. Possibly a scavenger hunt where the correct answer will lead to the next location. I can see how QR readers will provide a benefit to that experience.
9) ITunes/Podcasts- I hadn't looked into the podcasts that iTunes offered much before this course. while I don't have much time to look into the podcasts during the school year, I am excited to dive into this more in the summer.
10) Remind- I created a remind account for my students this fall but didn't keep up with it as much as I'd like. Next year :)
11) Pintrest....because I couldn't stop at 10. Pintrest is wonderful for me on every level. Cooking, Classroom, decorating and efficiency, Pintrest is the absolute best.
12)Teachers Pay Teachers- One of the best resources for modern day teachers. Every lesson I've purchased has been well worth the money!! I hope to start making money on the site soon!
13) Mystery Skype- I am looking forward to trying this with my students. I really enjoyed watching this during my Minot Public PLC. I wish however that we had Ipads to use like the students at Jim Hill had.
14) Socrative- another great resource that Ipads would be wonderful for! I am hoping sometime in the near future that I can utilize it!

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